Our goal is to disseminate Hungarian music culture both in Hungary and abroad, to enhance the working conditions of the orchestra and to raise its artistic standard. Besides, it is also crucial for us to help young musicians start their careers.

As one of the highest-quality musical formations in this country, we wish to become one of the most sought-after ensembles in Hungary and Europe long term, to create unforgettable sound records with outstanding soloists and evolve into a cardinal cultural item for Hungary. 

The Foundation is seated in the Óbudai Társaskör, serving as the ensemble’s home for 20 years.

Social responsibility

It is a priority for us to reach the younger generations and to start introducing classical music to children at preschool and primary school. Seven years ago, the orchestra launched a new project: we began giving concerts in various schools, grammar schools and foreign-language educational institutions to introduce the world of classical music, string instruments and the musicians themselves to children. During the 45–50-minute Iconcerts, held during classes, Radio Bartók’s anchor Szilvia Becze (or, when she is absent, an orchestra member), recounts interesting facts and stories related to the presented works and composers.

As the concerts aim to introduce classical music to children, the programme is mainly characterised by popular, accessible excerpts of popular pieces. Besides performing the pieces, we also introduce a given musical period by telling stories about that era and presenting our instruments.

Depending on their agenda, the orchestra organises approximately ten school concerts a year, with a total of almost 5,000 students participating. The positive feedback and the fact that the participants keep recommending these programs to others prove that children are receptive to encountering classical music in this way.